<a href="https://bunnaboos.com/world/items?name=Tangleberry" class="display-item">Tangleberry</a>


Category: Fruits and Veggies

Resale Value: 25 Moonstones

Just how long is a Tangleberry if you untangle it? Many Boos have sought the answer to this question and the results varied a lot. Some Tangleberries have reached a whopping length of 12' when untangled, while others are on the shorter end reaching only 3'. There seems to be no known reason why some grow so much longer compared to others, but many Boos have their own theories about it. Tangleberries grow in abundance around any oasis in the Sea of Sands. 

This item allows you to apply the Wibble Antennae trait to your Bunnaboo. Please submit your redesign under "Update Design" with this item attached in order to make the change official.

Uses: Adds Trait


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